Baby van Schalkwyk

Help Jaco & Suretha to meet Baby van Schalkwyk

Our Story

Jaco and Suretha were both born in South Africa, but were destined to meet, live and love in Namibia. Although their paths to one another were long and fraught with a myriad of individual challenges, upon finally meeting on the 4th of June 2014 – there was no doubt in either of their minds that God had carefully crafted them for one another. On 30 July 2014, they were wed and prepared to embark on the journey of life together.
Both Jaco and Suretha (respectively 42 and 34 years old at the time), being incredibly family-orientated themselves, decided in December 2014 that it was time to share their endless love with a child of their very own.
Their dream of a family which started out with so much hope and excitement rapidly devolved into a heartbreaking series of obstacles and disappointments. Through the years they have tried almost everything – with vials upon vials of blood tests, hormone treatment, and IVF using some of the last of Suretha’s precious eggs – until their aspirations for conceiving a child was finally crushed when Suretha was told that her “time had passed”.
Needless to say, a dark period ensued where they both despaired of ever being parents and questioned God’s plan for them. However through continued prayer and the deep abiding love that Jaco and Suretha share for one another, they healed and realized that their mission to be parents was not at an end. There was a final option that had yet to be explored – IVF using a donor egg.
With this “last hope” in mind, they threw themselves into researching donor agencies and fertility clinics in South Africa. The answers and various test results received seemed to be finally screaming a continuous resounding “YES!”. A joint medical team was quickly put together in Windhoek and Cape Town, who have now said that they couldn’t see a reason why Suretha would not have a normal, healthy pregnancy using this route.
Having only just finished paying off the previous round of IVF and the financial hit of COVID-19, the chance of undergoing this costly treatment may be remote without the assistance of others.
In their own words:
“We would appreciate it so much if you would be willing to help us in realising our dream to become a mom and a dad of our own little human. It would be the biggest blessing for us to be able to share this mountain of love that we hold in our hearts.”
Please kindly take the time to consider contributing to this beautiful endeavour.

Coming soon

Baby van Schalwyk


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